
保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP)是确定学生是否有资格继续获得经济援助的许多联邦规定的标准之一. Progress is measured by 速度 (the number of credits earned in relation to attempted hours), 定性 (GPA) standard and 最大时间范围 (time allowed to complete the academic program). 学生还必须证明在规定的时间内完成学位课程的进展.

未能保持令人满意的学业进步将导致失去经济援助资格,包括联邦, 状态, 机构和经认证的私人贷款. Progress is reviewed annually, at the end of the academic year.


本科 students must complete 67 percent of the total credit hours attempted, 包括转学学分.

0.67 x Attempted Hours = The minimum hours an undergraduate student must earn.

示例1: 学生尝试63小时,获得48小时
0.67 x 63 = 42.2或43小时

示例2: 学生尝试118个小时,获得78个小时
0.67 x 118 = 79.06或80小时

研究生 students must complete 80 percent of the total credit hours attempted, 包括转学学分.

0.80 x Attempted Hours = The minimum hours a graduate student must earn.

例子: 学生尝试20个小时,获得19个小时
0.80 × 20小时= 16小时

学生一学年修满26个学分, earned 15; student would not be meeting satisfactory academic progress at the time of sap review. 总共需要17个学分.获得42或18学分.

学生每学年争取30个学分, 获得了24, 在sap审查结束时,学生将达到速度标准,取得令人满意的学术进步. 所需的最低学分为21学分.



比例: 0.00%





小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 2.0



小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 3.0


No student may exceed 150% of the published length of their educational program. 学生将收到通知,并需要在接近150%时申请经济援助. Students must complete their degree within a specified amount of time. This standard will depend on the student's enrollment status and degree. bet8体育娱乐入口 requires an appeal at 125% of degree hours. 当一个学生超过了125%, 他们将被要求在下一个学期提交上诉,以确定他们是否将继续获得经济援助.


本科 students must complete 67 percent of the total credit hours attempted, 包括转学学分.

0.67 x Attempted Hours = The minimum hours an undergraduate student must earn.

示例1: 学生尝试63小时,获得48小时
0.67 x 63 = 42.2或43小时

示例2: 学生尝试118个小时,获得78个小时
0.67 x 118 = 79.06或80小时

研究生 students must complete 80 percent of the total credit hours attempted, 包括转学学分.

0.80 x Attempted Hours = The minimum hours a graduate student must earn.

例子: 学生尝试20个小时,获得19个小时
0.80 × 20小时= 16小时

学生一学年修满26个学分, earned 15; student would not be meeting satisfactory academic progress at the time of sap review. 总共需要17个学分.获得42或18学分.

学生每学年争取30个学分, 获得了24, 在sap审查结束时,学生将达到速度标准,取得令人满意的学术进步. 所需的最低学分为21学分.



比例: 0.00%





小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 2.0



小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 3.0


No student may exceed 150% of the published length of their educational program. 学生将收到通知,并需要在接近150%时申请经济援助. Students must complete their degree within a specified amount of time. This standard will depend on the student's enrollment status and degree. bet8体育娱乐入口 requires an appeal at 125% of degree hours. 当一个学生超过了125%, 他们将被要求在下一个学期提交上诉,以确定他们是否将继续获得经济援助.

学生资助办公室将在每学年结束时对学业进展情况进行审查. Email notifications of SAP standard(s) not met will be sent to the student's ODU email account.

Please note that students who have not received financial aid in previous years, 但首次申请资助的学生,亦须保持良好的学业进度. 无论学生在一个学期内是否有资格获得经济援助,学生入学的所有学期都会对学业进展进行审查. 如果学生超过了最长时间, 他们在学业上的进步并不令人满意, 因此, 所有援助将被暂停.

经济援助暂停并不妨碍你在bet8体育娱乐入口继续学习. 它确实禁止你获得经济援助,直到你再次达到令人满意的学业进步标准.

Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress are placed on financial aid suspension. 你可以对这次停职提出上诉. 上诉必须基于严重影响学习成绩的重大减轻情节. The decision of the appeal will be sent via email to the students ODU email account. *注意:请确保您的电子邮件帐户已激活.

对于那些成功吸引到他们的学生, aid will be rein状态d on a probationary basis for one payment period/term. Emails will be sent to students on financial aid probation advising them of the conditions needed. 财政援助办公室将在学期结束时审查学生的记录,以确定他/她在未来学期的成绩. 试用期满时, 学生必须达到学校的SAP标准,才有资格获得进一步的第四章资助. If it is determined that a student will need more than one probationary term, 学生必须被安排在一个学术计划上.

Students who fail to complete the probationary conditions cannot submit a new appeal.

An academic plan will be developed by the student and their academic advisor. 所有的学术计划将在每学期进行监督. If the student fails to meet the standards set up in the plan, 学生将不再有资格获得经济援助,直到学生重新建立自己的资格. 在试用学期中未能满足其学术计划中概述的条件的学生将没有资格提交后续上诉. The academic advisor will be responsible for monitoring the academic plan.

上诉必须在上诉通知后10天或在上诉表格上的截止日期之前提交. These dates vary from year to year; 然而, the deadline will be the Friday before classes begin.

Deadline for appeal submission for 2024-25 academic year:
  • 2024年秋季学期- 2024年8月23日
  • 2025春季学期- 2025年1月3日
  • 2025年夏季学期- 2025年6月30日


The University will consider appeals for uncontrollable events, 难以适应大学生活的学生, special circumstances that happen in a student's life such as death of a family member, 学生生病, 过渡到大学问题, 被征召入伍, 等. The student must describe what impact the circumstance had on academics, what the student has done to address the impact and how the student plans to be successful. If the student is not yet prepared to vigorously focus on academics with assistance if necessary, 学生不应提出上诉.


  • 家庭中的死亡. 说明这个人和你有什么关系.e. 父母、配偶、兄弟姐妹等.). You must provide a copy of the death certificate or related documentation.
  • 学生致残的疾病或伤害. Please provide supporting documentation from your medical provider.
  • Disabling illness or injury of immediate family member that required your care. Please provide supporting documentation from your medical provider.
  • Emotional or mental health issue (for student) that required professional care. Please provide supporting documentation from your medical provider, 社工或其他专业人员.
  • Other special circumstance beyond your control (transition that may lead to depression, 焦虑, 还有其他可以记录的问题, 离婚/分居, 自然灾害, 金融或法律环境的极端变化, 等.)

Documentation or evidence that supports the reason(s) must be included with your appeal. 这可能包括一封医生的信, 法庭文件, 死亡证明或大学文件副本, 裁员通知, 取消抵押品赎回权的通知, 等. 上传支持文件.

  1. Use the SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS APPEAL FORM to submit your appeal.

    • State clearly why you failed to meet the condition(s) cited. 必要时上传文件.
    • 说明发生了哪些变化,这将允许您在下一个评估期结束时展示SAP的进展.
    • 确认你的情有可原的情况, you must upload documentation from an objective third party (e.g. physician, counselor, lawyer, social worker, teacher, religious leader, academic advisor).

    We realize that sharing personal information can be difficult. 请放心,你的陈述将保密. 只有财务援助人员会审查你的申请.

  2. 与您的学术顾问或系主任会面,填写学业成绩书面评估申请表.

    NOTE: If you submit your appeal without the advisor or department chair's evaluation, 你的上诉不予考虑.

  3. 提交 your complete appeal and upload all supporting documents by the deadline. Failure to submit the complete appeal will result in cancellation of aid.

    留出两周时间 for the review of this appeal and receipt of the decision notification. 如果你的上诉被批准, 决定通知将概述你恢复援助资格的合同条件. 合同是有约束力的,你的学业进展将在指定的注册期结束时进行审查. 如果你的上诉被驳回, 决定通知将详细说明将来考虑经济援助资格的条件.


The decision of the financial aid review committee is FINAL and cannot be appealed.

如果上诉不成功, 将发送电子邮件通知您的决定,以及如何重新建立资格的信息(如果适用).

学生如达到令人满意的进度标准,便可重新获得资助资格. 记住这将是 at the student's own expense as they are ineligible for aid. Sitting out a semester at bet8体育娱乐入口 will not assist in re-establishing eligibility. 一旦学生达到要求的平均成绩或修满要求的学分, they must contact financial aid to request the rein状态ment of their financial aid eligibility.

在第二年末没有做SAP的学生, but at the end of the subsequent grading period come into compliance with the school's graduation requirements; will be considered making SAP beginning with the next grading period.

Withdrawing from courses may impact your financial aid awards. 在退课之前,你应该与学校联系 财政援助办事处 来确定后果.

Students who totally withdraw and receive aid may owe the university money. Before withdrawing from the university, you should contact the 财政援助办事处 连续两个学期退出所有课程可能导致失去经济援助资格.


Accepted transfer credits must count as both attempted and completed hours.


May count the failed course in the next enrollment status
补救课程可能包括在内, 然而, enrichment and ESL courses ARE NOT taken into consideration